Can Dogs Go To School
Suitable Name For Your Dog
Yes, a dog can go to school. They should begin with kindergarten. Besides attending to concerns regarding food, health care, and grooming, your dog must be housebroken as soon as possible. This problem is one of the reasons you do not give a new puppy the run of the house. We suggested in another article that for the first week, your pup should be kept in the kitchen. This gives you more control and you can “housebreak” your pet better and faster, if you are not chasing it all over the property.
If your new pup has been introduced to a warm and friendly kitchen, full of nice odors, a food and water dish, and a clean bed in the corner, he will soon be needing a place to do his business. This usually is another corner away from his bed. By this time, the well prepared owners will have spread papers over the kitchen floor. When the pup goes to an area away from his bed to do his business, pick up the soiled papers and remove them at once. Over a period of a few days, your pet will continue to use the same spot and you can soon remove most other papers from the floor, keeping a few layers only in the area being soiled.
In a few weeks, the pup will learn to relieve himself outside but this will be a beginning in teaching him control. One successful method for teaching your dog to do his business out of doors, is to take him out right after he eats and drinks. That is usually the time he wants to relieve himself. Assuming that by now you have chosen a suitable name for your dog, get used to saying that name, while looking at your pet. When you begin giving your dog basic commands, you will want to precede each command with the dog’s name.
During your pet’s first week at home, always look at him and say his name such as “Buck, good boy”. Speak clearly and in a friendly manner. The first command you might want to train your pet in is the simple word “no”. No is a good basic teaching word and will save you plenty of trouble down the road. In using the command, it must be applied only at the time of the infraction. When you see your dog doing something wrong, that is when you say, “Molly, NO”.
It does no good to look at your dog an hour later and say, “That was bad Buck. It was a no-no”. Your dog will not respond to that and there is no way to reason with him. Remember to speak in a clear but firm voice. Call your pet by name. Use the first command “NO” in conjunction with the name. Only use “NO” at the time the dog is doing something wrong. It does no good to wait an hour and lecture the pet about his misdeeds.