There are a few dog correction methods at your disposal you probably don’t even know about. When your dog matures you are going to want to step up to the plate with the way you handle corrections. What do I mean by this? I mean that the way in which you are correcting the dog is not working. You need to change your course of action and try something that is going to suit the pooch. When your dog is not listening to you, you are wasting your time. Find a means of getting through to your pet.
When the dog is out for a walk with you and you find that it is not heeling on command, you need to find a different approach to fixing the situation. One of the first things you should do however is try the old way of training. If this doesn’t work, even the slightest variation in the way you correct your dog, just might do the trick. The reason behind this is that the dog is familiar with the amount of effort and the way you are trying to stop its behavior. If it doesn’t know what you are going to throw at it next (figuratively speaking here) then your odds at success are a lot better than you might have imagined.
When you begin to throw a random punch (not literally) into your dog training methods, you are able to sort of “wake up” good old pooch, and let him know that you mean business. If you tend to train your dog with loud firm voices, then try switching to an all silent method to get the point across. This option also works vice versa. You have to split-test your methods and see which particular one will work best for you. Take your time and do things right.
Your dog just might have you all figured out and not even be worried about the punishment you are giving it. Pooch may think that it can get away with the behavior and also know that you will just fruitlessly try again. Randomness is now one of your best friends. Stick to schedule, keep it normal, but never forget to be random when things don’t work according to your plan (or anyone else’s plan for that matter).
If your dog is aggressive when you try to correct it, you may have another whole matter on your hands. Dogs that are aggressive when they are older tend to have had bad training when they were younger. They could of also had a lack of training altogether which might in fact, be to your advantage. If you are lucky enough to have a dog that isn’t aggressive, training should go your way more often than not.
Always end training with praise (positive reinforcement), and a dog treat if you wish. The real motive behind praise is that it gets your dog wanting to obey you in order to keep you happy. Animals are very simple in their nature and behavior, so use this to your advantage to make the dog work for you, and your commands.